List of recommended hotels

This is only a list of hotels we suggest – you are free to book any hotel you like.

Please be aware that your hotel reservation has to be booked directly through the respective hotel and cannot be settled via ESRR.

Attention! There is a city tax in every hotel that has to be paid : 1€ per person and per night.

Coimbra, 09/06/2021 – Hotel Quinta das Lágrimas (Maria João Gala/Global Imagens)

Quinta das Lágrimas Hotel *****

10 minutes walking distance from the venue

Reservations on request to the participants:

20% discount on the “Online Special Rate”

Reservations with payment by the Organization Committee (20 rooms):

Standard Single Room SPA: 170€
Standard Double/Twin SPA: 180€
Deluxe Room: 230€
Suites: 300€

Reservations by email, with reference to the Congresso, to

Vila Galé Hotel ****

2.2 km from the Venue, easy public transport.

Reservations on request to the participants:

10% discount on the daily rates, with „ESRR2024“ to be utilized at the website.

Reservations with payment by the Organization Committee (20 rooms):

Standard Single Room: 122,75€
Standard Twin/Double Room: €136,50€
Rates per room and per night, breakfast included.

Reservations made directly on the Vila Galé website (https:// Make sure to enter the discount code „ESRR2024“ when booking!

Aeminium Coimbra Hotel ****

3.5 km from the Venue, easy public transport.

Reservations on request to the participants:

Single Room: 110€

Double/Twin Room: 115€

Rates per room and per night, breakfast included.

Reservations with payment by the Organization Committee (20 rooms):

Single Room: 95€

Double/Twin Room: 100€

Rates per room and per night, breakfast included.

Both booking directly with the hotel through the email